Tierney Gearon. Her theme adresses one of my concerns or cares(being childhood): "Gearon’s talent lies in an ability to capture life with all its surreal twists and confusions, as negotiated by young people in an adult world. These images are highly personal, keyed to Gearon’s own life, reflecting its apparently equal helpings of chaos and stability. But they also remain strangely anonymous and distant. They speak of particulars but also tap into ubiquitous questions about life. Freezing these moments seemingly through children’s eyes, Gearon presents us with the children’s complex mixture of innocence and insouciance, which comes from experiences as yet unmediated by grown-up sensibilities"

I also admire Robert and Shana Parkeharrison's work. Most of the body of their work adresses environmental themes and the despairation they feel towards the way humankind has been treating the planet. I myself am concern about that, although it is not the major concern I wish to adress in photography just yet.

Zena Holloway does underwater photography using gas breathing tubes for the models and deep sea equipment for her cameras. I find that her work has something deeply beautiful and indescribable. I'm drawn to the form the fabric takes under the water and the compositions her of her shots.Excellent.The ineffable is the major theme I'm adressing and feel that this work fills that category.
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