As you already know, you will be grading each other for this project and the work you've done as a group to this point. Please consider each team member's dedication, participation, material and creative contributions, and self-motivation.
Following are the guidelines; please read them very carefully:
1) You may only award one A (though you are not required to award an A).
2) You must grade yourself, as well (be honest: if you give yourself an A and the rest of the group gives a D, that won't be good).
3) You must give a D (though fear not, this does not mean that the person given a D will get a D for the project).
4) You may award up to two B's and up to two C's (but, of course, you can not award two B's AND two C's!).
Got it?
Please come to class with your list of the four persons from your group and their grades written on a piece of 8.5x11 paper folded twice for privacy.
While your grade for this project will be partly based on the above grades, it will also be based on my observations as well as your final product.
See y'all Monday.
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